This is the complete list of members for AVR_Door, including all inherited members.
AddActorToIgnore(AStaticMeshActor *ActorToIgnore) | AVR_Door | |
AVR_Actor() | AVR_Actor | |
AVR_Door() | AVR_Door | |
BeginPlay() override | AVR_Door | protectedvirtual |
bIsColliding | AVR_Actor | protected |
Body_PhysicsConstraint | AVR_Door | |
BodyLock_PhysicsConstraint | AVR_Door | |
CanNonVRInteract() | IVR_InteractionInterface | |
CanPullGrab() | IVR_InteractionInterface | |
ClearActorsToIgnore() | AVR_Door | |
Close(bool fast) | AVR_Door | |
Door_Body | AVR_Door | |
Door_GrabComponent | AVR_Door | |
DoorAudioComponent | AVR_Door | |
Drop(class UVR_HandComponent *MotionController) | IVR_InteractionInterface | |
ForceCheckForGrabComponents() | IVR_InteractionInterface | |
GetAngleLimit() const | AVR_Door | inline |
GetHashandle() const | AVR_Door | inline |
GetIsLocked() const | AVR_Door | inline |
GetIsOpened() const | AVR_Door | inline |
Grab(class UVR_HandComponent *MotionController, bool &HandleStatus, bool bFroceAttachHandle) | IVR_InteractionInterface | |
Handle | AVR_Door | |
Handle_GrabComponent | AVR_Door | |
Handle_Origin | AVR_Door | |
Handle_PhysicsConstraint | AVR_Door | |
HandleAudioComponent | AVR_Door | |
IsColliding() | IVR_InteractionInterface | |
IsColliding_Implementation() | AVR_Actor | inlinevirtual |
IsGrabbed() | IVR_InteractionInterface | |
IsHeldBy(class UVR_HandComponent *MotionController) | IVR_InteractionInterface | |
IsNonVRInteractTillStop() | IVR_InteractionInterface | |
Lock | AVR_Door | |
NonVRInteraction(AVR_Player *Player) | IVR_InteractionInterface | |
OnDoorBeginOverlap(class UPrimitiveComponent *OverlappedComp, AActor *OtherActor, class UPrimitiveComponent *OtherComp, int32 OtherBodyIndex, bool bFromSweep, const FHitResult &SweepResult) | AVR_Door | |
OnDoorEndOverlap(class UPrimitiveComponent *OverlappedComp, class AActor *OtherActor, class UPrimitiveComponent *OtherComp, int32 OtherBodyIndex) | AVR_Door | |
OnHitCheckColliding(UPrimitiveComponent *HitComponent, AActor *OtherActor, UPrimitiveComponent *OtherComp, FVector normalImpulse, const FHitResult &Hit) | AVR_Actor | |
RootScene | AVR_Door | |
SetAngleLimit(float angle) | AVR_Door | |
SetAutoclose(bool auto_close, float Force=50.f, float Velocity=1.f, float Max_Force=0.f) | AVR_Door | |
SetIsLocked(bool NewStatus) | AVR_Door | |
SetOneSide(bool one_side, bool flip_side) | AVR_Door | |
SetParent(AStaticMeshActor *ParentActor) | AVR_Door | |
Shoot() | IVR_InteractionInterface | |
Stop_NonVRInteraction(AVR_Player *Player) | IVR_InteractionInterface | |
Tick(float DeltaTime) override | AVR_Door | virtual |