| AVR_Drawer () |
virtual void | Tick (float DeltaTime) override |
void | SetAutoClose (bool auto_close) |
| Sets auto close drawer status.
void | SetLengthLimit (float Length) |
| Sets slide length limit.
void | AddActorToIgnore (AStaticMeshActor *ActorToIgnore) |
| Adds actors to ingnore to the list.
void | ClearActorsToIgnore () |
| Clears all ignored actors.
void | SetParent (AStaticMeshActor *ParentActor) |
| Sets door Parent(Door Frame or smth like that)
FORCEINLINE float | GetLenghtLimit () const |
| AVR_Actor () |
virtual bool | IsColliding_Implementation () |
void | OnHitCheckColliding (UPrimitiveComponent *HitComponent, AActor *OtherActor, UPrimitiveComponent *OtherComp, FVector normalImpulse, const FHitResult &Hit) |
void | Pickup (class AActor *VR_MotionConttroller, class USceneComponent *MotionController, class UPhysicsConstraintComponent *PickPhysicsConstraint, class USkeletalMeshComponent *RealHandMesh, EControllerHand CurrentHand) |
void | Drop (class UPhysicsConstraintComponent *PickPhysicsConstraint) |
bool | IsGrabbed () |
bool | CanPullGrab () |
void | Interaction (class AVR_Hands *MotionController, bool &HandleStatus, bool bFroceAttachHandle) |
| Used for interaction with objects such as door.
bool | IsColliding () |
void | Stop_Interaction (class AVR_Hands *MotionController) |
| Stop object interaction.
void | Shoot () |
bool | IsHeldBy (class AVR_Hands *MotionController) |
| Indetify if object is held by MotionController.
bool | CanNonVRInteract () |
bool | ForceCheckForGrabComponents () |
void | NonVRInteraction (AVR_Player *Player) |
bool | IsNonVRInteractTillStop () |
void | Stop_NonVRInteraction (AVR_Player *Player) |
| Stop object interaction.
This is a physic drawer class which can interact with AVR_Hands.
- Note
- Works only with the hand physics constraint component. Does not support attach to method.