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Head Mounted VR 2.7
CALoading_Handler | This is a loading class for transition between levels. Player will be teleported to the loading room. |
CAVR_Actor | VR Actor |
CAVR_AmmoBox | Large ammo box which player can put in inventory |
CAVR_AmmoClip | Ammo clip |
CAVR_AmmoRound | Bullet class |
CAVR_BulletDecal | Bullet Decal |
CAVR_Button | This is a physic base button class. Can be used in world or as a child actor component. |
CAVR_Climbable | Climbable class. Can be used for ladders, obstacles etc |
CAVR_CodeLock | This is a code lock class where player can type password. |
CAVR_Door | Door can be used as big door or as small door for the closets. |
CAVR_Drawer | This is a physic drawer class which can interact with UVR_HandComponent. |
CAVR_Equipment | Player can interact with this class after grab. (Pressing the following buttons: trigger button, A button and B button) |
CAVR_EquipmentSkeletal | Player can interact with this class after grab. (Pressing the following buttons: trigger button, A button and B button) |
CAVR_HandInventory | Inventory class which is attached to the players hand |
CAVR_LeverBase | This is a physic base lever class which can interact with players hands. Look at lever rotatable or slide class. Use only if you want to develop new lever type. |
CAVR_LeverRotatable | This is a physic lever rotatable class which player can rotate. |
CAVR_LeverSlide | This is a physic lever slide class with which player can interact. |
CAVR_MainMenu | Main menu which is attached to the players hand on spawn. |
CAVR_PauseMenu | Menu which is attached to the players.Spanws after holding button. |
CAVR_Player | Player class. |
CAVR_ScreenText | |
CAVR_SkeletalMesh | This is a skeletal object which player can pick up using one of grab methods (enum EGrabMethod) |
CAVR_StabWeapon | This class can be used for knifes, swords etc |
CAVR_StaticMesh | This is a static object which player can pick up using one of grab methods (enum EGrabMethod) |
CAVR_Valve | This is a simple physic valve class which can interact with players hands. |
CAVR_Weapon | Weapon class |
CAVR_WeaponProjectile | Projectile for weapopn |
CAVRGameMode | VR gamemode |
CFExtendedOpenXRHMD | |
CFFingerCurls | |
CFHeadMountedEditorCommands | |
CFHeadMountedEditorModule | |
CFHeadMountedEditorStyle | |
CFHeadMountedVRModule | VR Module Interface |
CFIKSegment | |
▼CFVRLateUpdateManager | |
CFLateUpdateState | |
CFVRPawnInfo | |
CHeadMountedEditor | Editor Module |
CHeadMountedVR | VR Module |
CIVR_InteractionInterface | Interface for interacting with objects |
CUMenuLoadingWidget | This is a class for a simple loading widget which is used in UVR_HandComponent class. It shows while player is holding the menu button. |
CUScreenTextWidget | |
CUUI_MenuWidget | |
CUVR_AvatarAnimationInstance | |
CUVR_CameraComponent | |
CUVR_CollisionComponent | |
CUVR_EquipmentAnimationInstance | |
CUVR_GrabBoxCollisionComponent | |
CUVR_GrabCapsuleCollisionComponent | |
CUVR_GrabComponent | Grab Component class. |
CUVR_HandAnimationInstance | VR hand anim class |
CUVR_HandComponent | Hand class |
CUVR_InteractionInterface | Interface for interacting with objects |
CUVR_InventoryBox | |
CUVR_MotionControllerComponent | |
CUVR_MovementComponent | |
CUVR_SaveGraphics | |
CUVR_SaveLevelTransfer | This class is used for tranfering inventory information to another level. |
CUVR_SavePreferences | This class is used for saving selected movment preferences |
CUVR_WeaponAnimationInstance | Weapon animation class |